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The 12th CPA-KSP-JSP joint Symposium on Pharmacognosy was held in Guangzhou

来源:原创    Release time:2024-04-09

On November 26, 2023, the 12th CPA-KSP-JSP (Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, Japenese Society of Pharmacognosy, Korean Society of Pharmacognosy) joint Symposium on Pharmacognosy, sponsored by the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicines Professional Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Jinan University, was successfully held both online and offline in Guangzhou.

At the opening ceremony, the  leaderss of 3  societies delivered speeches. Invited speakers from each society presented academic reports, with more than 200 participants in attendance. During the symposium, scholars from the three countries engaged in in-depth exchanges on research hotspots, research strategies, and development trends in pharmacognosy worldwide.

Following the symposium, the leaders of the three societies held an online meeting to discuss preparations for hosting the next symposium in South Korea in 2025 and signed a  agreement among three societies with the intent to establish a collaborative and sustained relationship.